of oil transfer expensive infrastructure from ship to storage tanks
is too often performance in a reactive rather than proactive manner.
By managing the maintenance processing in a systematic way, we ensure
the safety of these assets, and make informed decisions with regards
to maintenance and replacement throughout the entire cycle of each
Pipe line maintenance is defined as the process of protecting as
our main infrastructure investment through a proactive maintenance
funds where they are most needed, by focusing inspection activities
on specific goals, by automating field data collection, and by optimizing
the timing of repairs such that major rehabilitation costs are avoided.
Liquid Bulk Terminals
Rehabilitation and upgrading of existing liquid bulk terminals,
and the planning, design, and construction supervision for new liquid
bulk terminals, have always been major activities of Kapadia Trading
Kapadia Trading Co. staff is thoroughly firm with the concerns of
these different categories of owners and operators, and is cognizant
of the dramatic differences in procedures, attitudes, and objectives
among them.
The types of liquid bulk terminals with which the firm has been
involved range from the very largest petroleum terminals, capable
of simultaneously loading crude oil into several storage, to small
local petroleum product distribution terminals. The types of products
handled range of black and white petroleum products, to cryogenic
products including LNG and LPG, many requiring vapor.